Dental Tourism And Dental Tourism Market Segmentation In Turkey


Turkey is one of the leading countries in the world for dental tourism, also known as dental vacation. Turkey has a long history of providing dental care to people travelling from around the world, and is quickly becoming one of the top destinations for dental tourists. Turkey offers a wide range of dental services at competitive prices, making it an attractive destination for many. This article will explore the dental tourism market segmentation in Turkey and examine how it can be used to attract more visitors.

Market Segmentatio

The dental tourism market in Turkey is segmented based on the services offered and the type of visitors. The most common services offered to dental tourists in Turkey include dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and teeth whitening. These services are offered to both local and international patients.

Local Dental Tourism

Local dental tourists are those travelling from within the country for dental treatments. These patients often seek out the best quality care and are willing to pay for it. The local dental tourists are typically more affluent than other groups and are looking for a high quality of care.

International Dental Tourism

International dental tourists are those travelling from outside the country for dental treatments. These patients are often looking for a more affordable and accessible option than they would find at home. They may also be looking for a more diverse range of treatments, such as alternative and holistic dentistry.

Target Audienc

The target audience for dental tourism in Turkey can be segmented into two main groups – domestic and international tourists. Domestic tourists are typically looking for high quality and affordable dental care, while international tourists are typically looking for a wider range of services and treatments.

Marketing Strategie

To attract more visitors to Turkey for dental treatments, marketing strategies can be used to target both domestic and international tourists. Domestic tourists can be targeted through local advertising, while international tourists can be targeted through online campaigns and social media. Additionally, partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators can help to increase the visibility of the services offered in Turkey.


Turkey is one of the leading countries in the world for dental tourism, offering a wide range of services at competitive prices. By segmenting the market and targeting both domestic and international tourists, marketing strategies can be used to attract more visitors to Turkey for dental treatments.

An Overview of Dental Tourism in Turkey


Turkey has become one of the most popular destinations for dental tourism in recent years. With its competitive prices, top-notch quality and world-class facilities, Turkey has become the go-to destination for many people looking for dental treatment abroad. With over 10,000 dentists and over 500 dental clinics, Turkey has the infrastructure and expertise to provide the best dental care available.

What is Dental Tourism?

Dental tourism is a form of medical tourism, where people travel to different countries to receive dental care. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people seek out lower prices, better quality and more convenience. Turkey is one of the top destinations for dental tourism, due to its competitive prices, excellent quality and world-class facilities.

Benefits of Dental Tourism in Turke

Turkey is an ideal destination for dental tourism due to its competitive prices and top-notch quality. The cost of dental care in Turkey is significantly lower than in most western countries, making it an attractive option for those looking for an affordable dental treatment abroad. Additionally, Turkey has some of the best dental clinics in the world, with many of them offering state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled dentists.

Safety and Qualit

The safety and quality of dental care in Turkey is of the highest standard. Dental clinics in Turkey are subject to strict regulations and are required to use only the best materials and techniques. Additionally, many of the clinics are accredited by the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and the World Health Organization, which is a testament to their commitment to safety and quality.


Turkey is one of the top destinations for dental tourism, due to its competitive prices, excellent quality and world-class facilities. With its strict regulations, state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled dentists, Turkey offers a safe and reliable option for those looking for an affordable dental treatment abroad. Whether you are looking for a simple check-up or a more complex procedure, Turkey has the facilities and expertise to provide you with the highest quality care.

Market Segmentation of Dental Tourism in Turkey


This paper examines the market segmentation of dental tourism in Turkey. Dental tourism is the international practice of traveling to another country to obtain dental care. With its vast pool of highly trained and experienced dentists, Turkey has become a top global medical tourism destination. The paper examines the various segments of Turkish dental tourism, including the types of services provided and the characteristics of the travelers who opt for dental treatments in Turkey. The paper also looks at the factors that influence the decision to seek dental care in Turkey, such as cost, quality of care and convenience. Finally, the paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the market segmentation of dental tourism in Turkey and suggests strategies to enhance the competitiveness of the sector.


In recent years, Turkey has become a major player in the medical tourism industry. With its vast pool of highly trained and experienced dentists and its proximity to Europe, Turkey has become a top global destination for dental treatments. According to the World Health Organization, Turkey is among the top five countries for dental tourism, with an estimated 5.5 million dental tourists in 2019.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the market segmentation of dental tourism in Turkey. The paper will examine the various segments of Turkish dental tourism, including the types of services provided and the characteristics of the travelers who opt for dental treatments in Turkey. The paper will also look at the factors that influence the decision to seek dental care in Turkey, such as cost, quality of care and convenience. Finally, the paper will provide a comprehensive evaluation of the market segmentation of dental tourism in Turkey and suggest strategies to enhance the competitiveness of the sector.

Types of Dental Service

Turkey offers a variety of dental services to its patients. These services include general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics and prosthodontics. The services are provided by highly trained and experienced dentists who use the latest technologies and techniques.

Characteristics of Dental Tourist

Dental tourists in Turkey come from all over the world. The majority of them are from Europe, the Middle East and North America. Many dental tourists come to Turkey for its affordable prices, as well as its high quality of care. Other factors that influence the decision to seek dental care in Turkey are convenience and safety.

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